Who We Are?

What Is Bott?

B.O.T.T. is an acronym that stands for Bearers of the Torch.  This organization was originally known as P.A.T.T. (Passing Along the Torch) and operated under that name for nine years.  It was then primarily addressing Christian women.  In 2018 the Lord spoke to our founder, O’Violet J. Oree to change the name of the organization to B.O.T.T.  She wasn’t expecting that, but she knew that it was the Lord who spoke to her.  She wants to move with whatever the Lord is doing.  So in March of 2018 at our conference in Alpharetta, Georgia, Mrs. Oree announced the change that the Lord had given to her.  As of March 2019 the organization has been transitioned with a new name, Bearers of the Torch, B.O.T.T.  In 2018 we started addressing teenage girls issues and in 2019 both men and women, boys and girls, (13+), are now included in our programs and events.  Our foundation of P.A.T.T. has paved the way to what we have become.  Men and women, girls and boys alike need the opportunity to come to a program that addresses each of the sexes no matter what the age.  It is our prayers that taking part of any B.O.T.T. function will offer you some of the narrative that you find to be rewarding and enriching to a life established and being established in the foundations of faith towards God and a stabilized Christian life.



The mission of BOTT is to lay the foundations of faith towards God and enhance a stabilized Christian life for teen boys, girls, men and women.

In this life we are given a multitude of advice and instructions about what and how to do on a number of issues.That is absolutely fantastic, but is does not stop there.We actually have to do what we learn.We must bear up under the pressures and the challenges of being in the trenches of the work of God and everyday life in order to become successful at stripping the enemy of our soul of all his powers both mentally and physically. It takes strength to do it, to bear the torch and keep the lights burning in a world that is full of temptations, trials, tribulations that aim to steal our peace of mind and rob us of a productive, healthy, and beneficial future for ourselves and our families.Yet, it can be done because he has made us to be bearers of the torch and we can do all things through Christ our Lord.Those that bear the torch save the future of the next generations.We want you to be one of those who stand in the gap and are as counted faithfully pushing forward.As a bearer of the torch let’s unite our efforts and become motivated by sharing and receiving encouragement.

Our Vision

We envision doing that by hosting or sponsoring conferences and programs that address the needs and concerns of teens and adults.  These will include such programs as teen retreats, mother/daughter outings, father/son campaigns, vice versa, and other programs of such sort; to include a yearly hotel conference.

Our Core Values

  1. We believe being a born-again believer changes an individual life for the better.
  2. If a person has the opportunity to learn and experience what good Christian fellowship is like, they will also be able to improve their walk with God.
  3. Being able to discuss real life circumstances and experiences among your peers motivates you to work for and on like situations in your own life.
  4. God has gifted us with various talents and abilities and he wants us to use these gifts to bless and inspire others.
  5. Having the opportunity to get away and experience a different environment and seeing and communicating with different Christians or persons aspiring to know God, challenges and motivates us to be strong and to go the distance as believer.